Friday, July 30, 2010

What's under there??

I've been doing some snorkeling & freediving lately around some of the places I like to skish, armed with a camera.  I'd like to put together a photographic diary of sorts, showing the submerged structure in some of the areas I love to fish.  Underwater visibility has really sucked lately, making this (so far) a somewhat fruitless endeavor, but I have seen some nice quantities of bunker and sand eels, even though visibility in the cloudy water has been limited to 3-6 feet.

Hopefully the water will clear up soon and I can get some better photos....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So a recent thread on SOL has triggered some good conversation about skishing over the last few days, and for anyone who is reading this as a result of that, I must apologize for the lack of fresh content. 

Spring/summer is the absolute busiest time of the year for me at work and adding new content to this site just hasn't been a priority.  Over the next few weeks things should be slowing down for me and I'll have a bit more time to devote to this website and adding some fresh content, skishing photos, articles, reports, etc.

In the mean time, if you're someone who already skishes New England waters and would like to contribute an article on the subject, or would like to have some of your own photos hosted here, just shoot me an email and I'll add them to the to-do list.

If you're new to skishing and have questions that you would like some answers to, I'm easy to get a hold of.
Just shoot me an email:

Be safe everyone!